Headford Mart – 22/05/2021

Saturday 22nd May

Click here to view full report from Saturdays sale 22nd May 2021

Bullocks ranged from €1.63 to €2.93 per kg or €220 to €930 over the kg.

Top price over the kg, Hex, 760kg, €1690, €2.22/kg (lot 6A).

Top price per kg pair, LM, 290kg, €850, €2.93/kg (lot 8J).

Store Heifers ranged from €1.74 to €3.52 per kg or €305 to €935 over the kg.

Top price over kg, Lmx, 515kg, €1450, €2.82/kg (lot 23J).

Top price per kg, Lmx, 270kg, €950, €3.52/kg (lot 20A).

Weanling Heifers ranged from €1.97 to €4.12 per kg or €265 to €765 over the kg.

Top price over the kg and per kg, Aux, 245kg, €1010, €4.12/kg (lot 28C).

Weanling Bulls ranged from €1.64 to €3.03 per kg or €205 to €710 over the kg.

Top price over the kg pair, Lmx, 370kg, €1080, €2.92/kg, (Lot 36T).

Top price per kg, Aax, 195kg, €590, €3.03/kg (lot 37D).

Cull Cows ranging from €440 to €1890 for 5 yr old Si, 860kg.

Cow and calf pairings/in calf cows fetched from €1300 to €1700 6 yr old Chx cow with Lmx April 21 Heifer calf at foot.

Sheep: Culls/Breeders ranged from €54 to €166.

Ewes with lambs at foot fetched up to €200.

Lambs ranged from €114 to €170 or €2.33 to €3.74 per kg.

Saturday 29th May 2021 special sale for continental bullocks, heifers and weanlings large numbers required for local, midland and northern buyers.

Pre Booking essential and advisable for stock contact 093-35572 or 093-35551!

Cattle sale 11:00 am, Sheep sale 10:00 am. Next Saturday 29th May limited ringside buyers and sellers are allowed into the sellers box provided guidelines are adhered to. Our sale can still be accessed online with LSL auctions and we encourage anyone that can use the app to please do so.

A face covering must be worn on the mart premises!

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